How To Track Distance Kayaking

Kayaking has become the most exciting and popular mean to explore the water environment. However, in case of a long-hour trip to distant places, some safety measures are a must for the paddlers to adopt.

One of them is to have a clear map of the path, weather updates, and places that will be hitting while paddling.

There are now multiple ways available to how to track distance kayaking and make long water trips successful. We have discussed below the popular ways to discover water routes also an optimal option of utilizing mobile apps. Let’s have look on them;

GPS (Global Positioning System)

GPS tracking system is the most essential accessory for long-distance paddlers. It helps in better navigation to remote areas, getting the accurate distance to the destination, and also marking the places to avoid missing the path.

Kayak GPS provides a continuous connection with water security and weather forecasting authorities.

Also with an opportunity to keep in contact with the family via messages. However, make sure to purchase a waterproof and long battery life GPS to stay connected to the world without losing the long track.

GPS (Global Positioning System)

You will also find GPS technology in the most advanced form, GPS watches. They prove extremely handful and easy to deal with, without losing the stylish appearance. The paddlers can choose the size and shape according to convenience and need.

Tracking Apps

Distance tracking apps are the next recommended tool to discover the safest paddling track and create your own route.

They show accurate beginning and destination points and never let the new paddlers miss their track. Most of the apps also show popular water spots to spend an exciting time and get a break.

The tracking app also comes with the most advantageous feature to locate your fellow paddlers or friends on the water. It keeps you connected to them through chat in case of emergency and help. However, it is a must for fellow paddlers to have the same app that you are using.

Kayak Tracking Apps

Mobile applications have a great part of interference with human activities. Daily workouts and adventures are now deeply analyzed by millions of apps and are displaying flawless results.

To make kayak tracking easier, we have searched for top-notch kayaking apps, their accuracy, and how to perfectly analyze the whole trip using a mobile phone.

Go Paddling

Go paddling is considered the first choice when it comes to exploring new paddling spots and free access to the location with a few clicks. It helps to design your route, set the destination, and get a free look to whole track all the journey.

With no limitation to Android devices, go paddling provides enough features for the paddlers to pre-analyze their journey and pack accordingly. When deciding on the next kayaking spot, it shows the satellite picture of the location containing a clear view of the bay or departure point.

On opening the app, it demands you to enter the current location to make you choose the nearest starting kayaking area in red dots. It keeps track of the user journey to share the location in case of help.


Strava is an American app built to track running, paddling, and other physical exercises. It is the most widely used app for those planning long-distance trips and needing strong assistance to record and analyze their whole journey.

It provides an advanced GPS and measures the performance in the whole workout with the exciting opportunity to share your day with friends and other athletes. In case of an emergency, the live location can also be shared to ask for help.


Strava runs efficiently on both Android and iPhone devices. It comes in both free and paid versions to provide features according to the user’s need or demand. Before any workout, open up Strava, record your day and see the detailed review of your performance by the app

River App

The kayakers have also rated the river app to be among the best tracking app for long-distance paddlers. With its wide variety of features and access to unknown places, it has earned a number of users and downloaders worldwide.

With the high-quality display, it provides a quick look at over 25000 rivers, their water levels, and sections to help to decide the paddlers choose their best compatible driver for the trip. River app also stores the old exciting memories of kayaking.

On downloading the app, you will be requested to enter your dream water location to make you enter the free details of the spot that a kayaker might be looking for. The app also allows large and big local kayaking businesses to promote their services and earn customers in minutes.

Fish Brain

Now let your fishing activities be controlled by a free helper on your mobile. The fish brain helps kayakers enjoy the taste of fishing along with kayaking by discovering new fishing spots, analyzing fish activity, and weather forecasts, and free recommendations on fishing gear.

It can also store the data of previously captured fish, bait, and fishing accessories used at that time in the form of pictures.

One of the reasons behind its extreme popularity among anglers is that it trains beginners on what gear is best to catch specific fish. The fish brain offers the free version as well as the premium version including more detailed and upgraded features.

Final Words

Tracking a distance is the most essential prep before starting paddling. It is better to know the route, difficulties, and convenience on the way to stay prepared before any accident.

To make the tracking better, we have discussed above the most popular and optimal ways to scan the whole distance and the destination point.

However, if going with the mobile apps option, consider some essential care tips on how to choose the best app and guess it’s working miles away from the bank.

Make sure to choose an app that supports the user during a down internet or even in a zero internet environment. Check its battery-saving ability to make the cell phone work stable for hours of using the app.

Another important factor that might run the paddler through the disgusting situation is installing an app that is incorporative to the mobile operating system (iOS and Android).

Make sure to keep the precautions in mind before launching a kayak for a long trip, to make your day successful.

Hey! This is Muneeza, a researcher and writer of the website. Utilizing my vast experience and in-depth research skill, I used to dig deep to find out the information you'll love to know about your favorite watersport. In case of any queries, reach out freely!

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